Service Wall Duct
1 Service panel with electric installation
2 Service panel with sanitary installation
3 Cover for service wall duct
4 Media supply from above
5 Fastening profile/media supply
6 Service duct
As an alternative to the service spine, the service wall duct can be mounted at different heights and directly to a wall, or connected after a service spine fitted against a wall. It is also equipped with panel technology and an integrated rail for variable configuration.
Intended use service wall ductÂ
- Wall-mounted services supply for:
- Laboratory benches under or in front of the service wall duct
- Laboratory devices on mobile tables or underbench constructions
- Floor-mounted laboratory devices
- Design versions for genetical engineering areas
- Tool-free installation of supplementary service duct add-on parts such as monitor arm, pipette holder, paper towel dispenser, universal storage area, etc.